Edible Landscape Plants: Fruits
Metus dictum at tempor commodo
Some of the Best Edible Landscape Plants: Fruit Edition
Common nameLatin nameYieldHardiness zonesPollination needsLandscape useProminent ornamental qualitiesAlpine strawberriesFragaria vesca1/2 cup per plant3 to 10Self-fruitfulGround cover or low borderLow mounds or lines of greeneryApple and crab appleMalus spp.60 to 300 pounds per tree3 to 9Cross-pollination neededSpecimen or shade treeBlossoms, tree formApricotPrunus armeniaca var. armeniaca150 pounds per tree5 to 9Most varieties are self-fruitfulSpecimen or shade treeBlossoms, tree formBeach plumPrunus maritimaHighly variable3 to 8Cross-pollination neededPart of shrub borderBlossomsBlackberryRubus spp.3 pounds per plant5 to 8Self-fruitfulTrain along a fence or trellis, or tie up to a poleBlossoms, leavesBlueberry, highbushVaccinium corymbosum7 pounds per plant4 to 7Self-fruitful, but cross-pollination increases yield and berry sizeShrub border, foundation planting or hedgeBlossoms, leaves in summer and fall, canes in fallBlueberry, lowbushVaccinium angustifolium5 to 10 pounds per 100 square feet3 to 7Self-fruitful, but cross-pollination increases yield and berry sizeGround coverBlossoms, leaves in summer and fall, canes in fallBlueberry, rabbiteyeVaccinium asheii15 pounds per plant7 to 9Self-fruitful, but cross-pollination increases yield and berry sizeSpecimen shrub, foundation planting or hedgeBlossoms, leaves in summer and fall, canes in fallCherry, cornelianCornus mas30 to 50 pounds per plant4 to 8Self-fruitful, but cross-pollination increases yieldShade treeBlossoms, leaves in summer and fall, fruits in summer, bark in winterCherry, NankingPrunus tomentosa15 to 25 pounds per bush3 to 6Cross-pollination neededShrub border, hedgeBlossoms in spring, fruits in early summerCherry, sweetPrunus avium300 pounds per full-size tree5 to 9Most varieties need cross-pollinationSpecimen or shade treeBlossoms, tree formCherry, tartPrunus cerasus100 pounds per tree4 to 8Self-fruitfulSmall specimen treeBlossomsCurrant, cloveRibes odoratum4 to 8 pounds per shrub4 to 8Self-fruitful, but cross-pollination increases yieldShrub border, hedgeBlossomsCurrant, red, white or pinkRibes petraeum, R. rubrum, R. sativum3 to 10 pounds per shrub3 to 7Self-fruitfulHedge, foundation planting or espalierBlossoms, leaves in summer, fruitsGumiElaeagnus multiflora10 pounds per shrub4 to 9Self-fruitfulHedgeLeaves in summer, fruitsGrapes, European wineVitis vinifera10 to 30 pounds per vine7 to 10Self-fruitfulTrain over an arbor or fenceCanopy of leafy branches, trunk (with age)Grapes, foxVitis labrusca10 to 30 pounds per vine3 to 7Self-fruitfulTrain over an arbor or fenceCanopy of leafy branches, trunk (with age)Grapes, muscadineVitis rotundifolia10 to 30 pounds per vine7 to 9Most varieties need cross-pollinationTrain over an arbor or fenceCanopy of leafy branches, trunk (with age)HackberryCeltis occidentalisUnknown2 to 9Self-fruitfulSpecimen or shade treeBark, tree formCeltis australisUnknown7 to 9Self-fruitfulSpecimen or shade treeBark, tree formCeltis laevigataUnknown5 to 11Self-fruitfulSpecimen or shade treeBark, tree form, leaves in fallCeltis reticulataUnknown4 to 10Self-fruitfulSpecimen or shade treeBark, tree formHuckleberryGaylussacia baccataUnknown3 to 8Probably partially self-fruitful, but cross-pollination increases yieldFoundation planting or mixed shrubberyFlowersJuneberry (serviceberry, Saskatoon, shadbush)Amelanchier spp.10 pounds per plant3 to 8Self-fruitful, except for white-fruited varietiesHedge or loose, naturalistic plantings, specimen trees or shrubsBlossoms, form of tree or shrub, fall color, bark in winterJujubeZiziphus jujuba60 pounds per plant6 to 9Most varieties need cross-pollinationSpecimen plant or hedgeLeaves in summerKiwifruitActinidia deliciosa50 to 200 pounds per plant7 to 9Cross-pollination neededClimbing vine for arbors and trellisesCanopy of leafy branches, trunk (with age)Kiwifruit, goldenA. chinensis50 to 200 pounds per plant8 to 10Cross-pollination neededClimbing vine for arbors and trellisesCanopy of leafy branches, trunk (with age)Kiwifruit, hardyA. arguta50 to 200 pounds per plant4 to 9Cross-pollination neededClimbing vine for arbors and trellisesCanopy of leafy branches, trunk (with age)Kiwifruit, super-hardyA. kolomikta50 to 200 pounds per plant3 to 7Cross-pollination neededClimbing vine for arbors and trellisesCanopy of leafy branches, variegated leaves, trunk (with age)LingonberryVaccinium vitis-idaea5 to 10 pounds per 100 square feet4 to 7Self-fruitful, but cross-pollination increases yieldGround coverEvergreen leaves, flower (two seasons), fruitsMaypopPassiflora incarnata12 fruits per plant5 to 10Cross-pollination neededClimbing vine for arbors and trellisesFlowersMedlarMespilus germanica20 pounds per tree5 to 8Self-fruitfulSpecimen tree planted singly or in a mixed borderFlowers, fall color of leavesMulberry, blackMorus nigra5 to 25 pounds per plant7 to 10Self-fruitfulSpecimen or shade treeTree formMulberry, redMorus rubra5 to 25 pounds per plant5 to 8Self-fruitfulSpecimen or shade treeTree formMulberry, whiteMorus alba5 to 25 pounds per plant5 to 8Self-fruitfulSpecimen or shade treeGlossy leavesPawpawAsimina triloba25 pounds per plant4 to 8Cross-pollination neededSpecimen or shade treeLeaves all summer and in fallPeach and nectarinePrunus persica50 to 150 pounds per tree5 to 9Most varieties are self-fruitfulSmall specimen tree, mixed borderBlossomsPear, EuropeanPyrus communis60 to 300 pounds per tree4 to 9Most varieties need cross-pollinationSpecimen or shade treeBlossoms, leaves in summer and fallPear, AsianP. pyrifolia, P. ussuriensis, P. {x} bretschneideri60 to 300 pounds per tree4 to 9Most varieties need cross-pollinationSpecimen or shade treeBlossoms, leaves in summer and fallPersimmon, orientalDiospyros kaki40 to 400 pounds per tree7 to 10Some varieties are self-fruitfulSpecimen or shade treeTree form, fruitPersimmon, AmericanDiospyros virginiana50 to 100 pounds per tree4 to 10Some varieties are self-fruitfulSpecimen or shade treeTree form, leaves in summer and fall, fruitPlum, American hybridsPrunus spp.50 to 100 pounds per treeVariableCross-pollination neededBushy treeBlossomsPlum, EuropeanPrunus domestica75 pounds per tree4 to 8Self-fruitful, but cross-pollination increases yieldSpecimen or shade treeBlossomsPlum, Japanese/ChinesePrunus salicina75 pounds per tree6 to 10Cross-pollination neededSpecimen or shade treeBlossomsQuinceCydonia oblonga75 pounds per plant5 to 9Self-fruitfulSmall specimen tree or shrub, shrub borderBlossoms, fruitsRaisin treeHovenia dulcis5 to 10 pounds per plant6 to 10Self-fruitfulSpecimen or shade treeLeafy formRose hips