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Best Backyard Chicken Breeds


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Egg Size and Productivity

Most people who keep chickens want eggs. Based on our survey results, the most productive egg layers are hybrids, including the Hy-line Brown, California White, Golden Comet, Cherry Egger and Indian River. If you prefer heritage breeds, Leghorns, White-faced Black Spanish, Rhode Island Reds, Australorps, Rhode Island Whites and Plymouth Rocks are good choices for producing lots of eggs.

Quickest Eggs

Some hybrid pullets (young hens) start laying eggs when they’re only 17 weeks old, but pullets of some breeds take more than 26 weeks to mature and start laying. If you’re in a hurry to get fresh eggs on your table, consider Cherry Eggers, Indian Rivers, ISA Browns, Pearl Leghorns and Golden Comets. Almost all Leghorns and Leghorn hybrids are quick to mature, but if you’re looking for other heritage breeds, check out Red Caps, Whitefaced Black Spanish, Anconas and Minorcas. Hens of these breeds can start laying at as early as 21 weeks.

Egg Color Spectrum

If one of your selection criteria is eggshell color, Marans, Barnevelders and Welsummers lay the darkest brown eggs. (We didn’t include Penedesenca in our survey because they’re rare, but they usually lay even darker eggs.) Ameraucanas and Araucanas (rumpless) lay greenish or bluish eggs.

Temperature Tolerance

When you’re selecting chicks in spring as the weather is warming, the following winter may be the last thing on your mind, but planning early will make your flock healthier and daily maintenance easier. Breeds that tolerate cold weather best are Chanteclers, Buckeyes, Brahmas and Javas. In some locations, heat is a bigger concern than cold. Breeds best suited to hot environments are Jungle Fowl, Malays, Sumatras, Javas and Cubalayas.